Dear Aspirant,
Thank you for your interest in our illustrious new-age order of radical nuns. Most people only see one side of the Sisters: fabulous nuns out having a good time. The Sisters are so much more than that! We all strive to bring love and happiness to our community in any form that they manifest. Our community is in need of a catalyst for positive change. We believe that we can be that very catalyst! Each member of our sisterhood brings varying, yet valuable, characteristics and skills to the group. There is a lot of work that goes into our Mission. The work of a Sister includes, but is not limited to fundraising, ministry, community outreach, education, and entertainment.
This word is an informal term we use. There is no official position in our organization called an “Aspirant”. It’s just a word we use to speak about the time period a person spends looking into joining. An Aspirant is not a member, is not a Sister or Guard, and is not associated with the City of Fountains Sisters in any way. They are a welcome lookee-loo, an interested party, a casual date with hopes of going steady later. Please fill out these questions with brief answers. Return it to us so our house can read them and get to know YOU better. We look forward to hearing from you! |